Christmas koncert in Reykholt church
Reykholt Reykholtskirkja
Concert in church on Thursday 5.th
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Concert in Reykholtskirkja
Reykholts Reykholtskirkja
Organist Viðar Guðmundsson and singer Ásta Marý Stefánsdóttir perform soulful music for organ and soprano voice in Reykholt Church. The program will include well-known works, i.a. by Sigvalda Kaldalóns, Malotte, William Gomez and Antonio Vivaldi.
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„Call for Papers: A Viking in the Sun“
Call for Papers
A Viking in the Sun:
Harald Hardrada, the Mediterranean, and the Nordic World, between the late Viking Age and the Eve of the Crusades
Event 1: Textual and Material Sources and their Performativity
Snorrastofa (Reykholt, Iceland), 29-31 May 2023

Program " A Viking in the Sun"
Cultural and Medieval Centre in Reykholt
Harald Hardrada, the Mediterranean, and the Nordic World between the late Viking Age and the Eve of the Crusades

Boys' choir from Herning Cathedral, Denmark
Reykholt Reykholtskirkja
Herning Church's Boys' Choir is a modern church choir with a wide repertoire. The choir wants to integrate world-class music with high educational standards and strong values, thus giving every boy the opportunity to be part of a professional choir with a very high level of ambition.
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Tónleikum Collegium Musicum aflýst vegna veðurs
Reykholt Reykholtskirkja
Því mður verður að aflýsa tónleikunum sem búið var að auglýsa í kirkjunni sunnudag 9.okt kl 17 vegna slæmrar veðurspár.
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Renaissance conference in Snorrastofa Reykholt
Snorrastofa Reykholt
Renaissance Itineraries: Tracing Spaces & Places in the Early Modern World. The Fifth Conference of the Nordic Network for Renaissance Studies 28-30 September 2022.
The conference is open for all, you can register with sigrun@snorrastofa.is
Conference fee is 5.000 kr

Evening with Harald Hardrada (Hard-Ruler)
Snorrastofa Library
Wednesday, August 3 at 8PM, Gianluca Raccagni gives a lecture at the Library in Snorrstofa about Harald "Hardrada" Sigurðarson.
'Snorri Sturluson, Harald Hardrada, and his Mediterranean Adventures on the Eve of the Crusades'.
Dr. Raccagni is a lecturer in medieval history at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
The lecture is open an free of charge.

Reykholt music festival
Reykholt Reykholtskirkja
From the 22.nd to 24.th of July 2022
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Rock and roll in Reykholt
Reykholt Reykholtskirkja
Rock concert, The Evil Pizza Delivery Boys. Admission 3.000 Iskr

Haderslev Cathedral girls' choir
Reykholt Reykholtskirkja
The girls in Haderslev Cathedral's girls' choir can hardly wait
In July the choir is going on a singing trip to Iceland. There is free entrance.

Conference Thoreau & the Nick of time
Thoreau Symposium to be held at The Snorrastofa Cultural and Medieval Centre, Reykholt, Iceland, on May 25-27 (Wed-Fri), 2022, with voluntary joint excursions on May 28-29 (Sat-Sun), 2022.
Read moreVisitor’s Reception’s Opening Hours
1 May – 31 August:
every day 10 – 17
1 Sept. – 30 April:
weekdays 10 – 17
Otherwise by arrangement.