Snorrastofa conducts research, operates a library, holds concerts at Reykholtschurch and provides services for tourists.
In recent years, Snorrastofa has taken on the role of taking care of everything related to the national cultural site in Reykholt, whether it is related to local historical monuments, buildings, exhibitions or introductions to domestic and foreign visitors. In parallel with this multifaceted role, Snorrastofa is run as a research institute in medieval studies with an associated library and publication as well as an elaborate exhibition to introduce Snorri Sturluson.
Opening hours of Snorrastofa’s office and Library
Weekdays 9:00–17:00
and for Knit-book-coffee
Opening hours of the Visitor Center
May 1 – Sep. 30th.:
Every day 10:00 – 18:00
Okt. 1 – April 30:
Virka daga 10:00–17:00
Other times by arrangement.
GPS points for Reykholt: N64° 39′ 53.661″ W21° 17′ 32.068″

Boards, organization chart and charter
Snorrastofa í Reykholti er sjálfseignarstofnun með sérstaka stjórn og starfar á grundvelli laga, nr. 19/1988 um sjóði og stofnanir sem starfa samkvæmt staðfestri skipulagsskrá.
Snorrastofa’s employees are year-round employees, summer employees and research partners.
Research and theories
Snorrastofa works on research in medieval studies and the history of Borgarfjörður and disseminates knowledge through exhibitions, international conferences, seminars, lectures, courses and publishing.
History of the agency
Snorrastofa, sem er menningar- og miðaldastofnun, var formlega stofnuð í minningu Snorra Sturlusonar á dánardægri hans 23. september 1995
Snorrastofa has a library and good facilities for academic work. It is both a public and a specialist library and now has about 50,000 volumes with a good selection of biographies, fiction and a variety of material for information and entertainment for all age groups. Open weekdays 9:00–17:00.
MoreVisitor’s Reception’s Opening Hours
1 May – 31 August:
every day 10 – 17
1 Sept. – 30 April:
weekdays 10 – 17
Otherwise by arrangement.