Snorrastofa has a library and good facilities for academic work.
It is both a public and a specialist library and now has about 50.000 volumes with a good selection of biographies, fiction and a variety of material for information and entertainment for all age groups.
The specialist library is specially tailored to the needs of those who study medieval studies.
Diverse and good selection of books for all ages. Internet access, good work facilities and a powerful library.
Opening hours
Weekdays 9:00–17:00.
Gíslína Jensdóttir

Search the collection

Knitting / book evenings
Every other Thursday evening, the library offers social gatherings where people are encouraged to bring their handicrafts and ideas, chat about everything under the sun and take advantage of the museum’s loans. The pitcher is warm and everyone is most welcome.
These moments have proved to be a good forum for those who have something informative and fun to say or want to present topics.
The library is in Snorrastofa’s building on two floors as well as a bookstorage in the basement. The entrance is from a building connection between the church and Snorrastofa.
On the ground floor, in the main space of the library, the public museum is located, in addition to which the building is used for lectures and smaller meetings.
The library loft has good facilities for academic work. There is the specialist museum in medieval studies.
Collection options
During the development of the collection, Snorrastofa has enjoyed the goodwill of many who have donated to the library, and with the purchase of additional books, a comprehensive collection has been achieved, for the general public and those who study medieval studies.
Public library
The public library offers a good selection of literary options, as neighboring museums such as the collection of Brúin in Brúarás and the collection of Andakílsdistrict library have been added to it. In addition, residents and benefactors have generously donated books to strengthen the foundations of the service. Snorrastofa has also bought a number of new books for the museum every year.
Book relics
Snorrastofa‘s library has quite a bit of material, which can be classified as book relics. The Agency has made an effort to store them properly in an enclodes space at the right temperature and humidity.
Specialist library
The library has exerted in gathering material that can be used in any kind of research in medieval studies.
The Library has a very good collection of manuals, for use by visitors in the loft.
Book donations
Söfn, sem gefin hafa verið Snorrastofu
Bókasafn dr. Jakobs Benediktssonar.
Bókasafn Tryggva Þórhallssonar, fyrrverandi forsætisráðherra.
Bókasafn Guðmundar G. Hagalíns, rithöfundar.
Bókasafn gamla Héraðsskólans í Reykholti.
Hluti úr safni Þórarins Sveinssonar, læknis.
Hluti úr safni Guðjóns Ásgrímssonar.
Bókasafn Þóris Steinþórssonar, fyrrverandi skólastjóra Héraðsskólans í Reykholti.
Part of Magnús Stefánsson’s, doctor in History, collection.
Part of Kristján Albertsson‘s collection.
Books and documents from the possessions of Friðrik Ásmundsson Brekkan.
The Library of the youth organization Brúin.
The Library of Andakílldistrict.
In addition to these large gifts, Snorrastofa has recieved a numer of generous book donations.
Visitor’s Reception’s Opening Hours
1 May – 31 August:
every day 10 – 17
1 Sept. – 30 April:
weekdays 10 – 17
Otherwise by arrangement.