Reykholt music festival
Reykholt Reykholtskirkja
Our foreign guests will be the viola player Rita Porfiris and violinist Anton Miller, together they are the Porfiris Duo. www.millerporfirisduo.org
Icelandic violinst Ari Þór Vilhjálmsson and barintone singer Oddur Arnþór Jónsson. Ari lives in Tel Aviv where he works with the Filharmonium in Ísrael, Oddur lives and works in Salzburg.
Nína Margrét Grímsdóttir pianoist will play kammermusic with Oddi Arnþór.
The program will be Mozart, Karólínu Eiríksdóttur, Schumann, Errolynn Wallen, Weber, Malnborg Ward, Dvorak, Jón Leifs, Strauss, Jórunni Viðar, Rossini, Atla Heimi Sveinsson og Beethoven.
More on www.reykholtshatid.is
Visitor’s Reception’s Opening Hours
1 May – 31 August:
every day 10 – 17
1 Sept. – 30 April:
weekdays 10 – 17
Otherwise by arrangement.