Concert in Reykholtskirkja
Reykholts Reykholtskirkja
Organist Viðar Guðmundsson and singer Ásta Marý Stefánsdóttir perform soulful music for organ and soprano voice in Reykholt Church. The program will include well-known works, i.a. by Sigvalda Kaldalóns, Malotte, William Gomez and Antonio Vivaldi.
Entrance fee is Kr 2500,.
Looking forward to seeing you on Nov 13th 🤩
The concert is sponsored by the "Uppbyggingasjóður Vesturlands".
Visitor’s Reception’s Opening Hours
1 May – 31 August:
every day 10 – 17
1 Sept. – 30 April:
weekdays 10 – 17
Otherwise by arrangement.