Haderslev Cathedral girls' choir
Reykholt Reykholtskirkja
The girls 'choir in Haderslev Cathedral is considered to be the best girls' choir in Denmark. The choir has
traveled extensively and has sung in France, Slovakia, Belgium, Norway, Israel / Palestine and most recently in Scotland. But now they are going to go to Iceland, and they are very exhited to visit for the first time the land of fire and ice, the land of the Icelandic sagas.
45 girls, aged 14 to 20, sing in the choir under the guidance of Thomas Berg-Juul, organist at Haderslev
Cathedral. He has been the choir leader since 2012.
Haderslev girls choir
Visitor’s Reception’s Opening Hours
1 May – 31 August:
every day 10 – 17
1 Sept. – 30 April:
weekdays 10 – 17
Otherwise by arrangement.